GD Archive

Top Level Services

These are services within the county's borders reviewed by local community members. Please take a moment to rate and review services as you interact with the provider. To learn more about service barriers, strengthening services and the 100% directory project, please visit: About The Directory.

PLEASE BE AWARE: During this phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, services may be disrupted. Please contact a service agency before visiting it.

    • Breath of My Heart Birthplace1 768x118

    Breath of My Heart Birthplace

    • Presbyterian Espanola Hospital

    Presbyterian Española Hospital

    • espanola public schools 768x473

    Española Public School District

    • dental

    Española Dental Clinic

    • presbyterian 768x407


    • la clinica 768x499

    La Clinica del Pueblo de Rio Arriba

    • rockchristian 768x425

    Rock Christian Fellowship

    • northerncollege 768x660

    Northern New Mexico College

    • pathwayshelter 768x518

    Española Pathways Shelter

    • tewa 768x266

    TEWA Women United

    • helpnm 768x458

    HelpNM-Española Work focused Services:Statewide

    • workforceconnections 768x600

    Workforce Connections

    • 1076px Bachman Hall McCurdy High School 768x514

    McCurdy Charter School Youth Mentoring

    • YMCA 768x400

    Española YMCA Team Center

    • 1076px Bachman Hall McCurdy High School 1 768x514

    McCurdy Charter School

    • kelly sikkema FqqaJI9OxMI unsplash 768x569

    Head Start Regional Office

    • presbyterianhospital 768x405

    Presbyterian Hospital First Born Program

    • lascrumbles 768x441

    Las Cumbres

    • bluebus 768x343

    Blue Bus – Los Valles Transportation

    • crisis 768x368

    Crisis Center of Northern New Mexico

    • pathwayshelter 1 768x518

    Española Pathways Shelter

    • helpnm 1 768x458

    HelpNM-Española Food Assistance

    • housingauthority 768x382

    Rio Arriba Housing Authority

    • soup 768x450

    San Martin de Porres Soup Kitchen

    • healthcommons 768x444

    El Centro: Rio Arriba Health Commons

    • bondstreet 768x428

    El Centro: Bond Street Clinic

    • countysubstance 768x363

    RAC STOP: Rio Arriba County Substance, Treatment, Outreach and Prevention Program

    • healthcommons 2 768x444

    El Centro: Rio Arriba Health Commons

    • bondstreet 1 768x428

    El Centro: Bond Street Clinic